Add Document - Legacy View vs. Current View
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When navigating to the Add Document library, it’s important to note the optional views. These views are determined by the My Settings Add Document Screen** preference. By default, the setting is Current, though users may choose to set the view to Legacy, if preferred. Changing this setting will only affect the logged-in user.
To set the Add Document Screen view, navigate to the My Settings tab of the Control Panel sidemenu and change the setting accordingly.
Legacy View
When the Add Document Screen user preference is set to Legacy, clicking the Add Document link will open the document library, showing a multi-column list of available documents capable of being added, uploaded, printed, scanned, or the like. The Legacy view shows available documents specific to the specified chart type of the chart in context.
If a multi-column list of available documents does not load, as seen above, then the chart tab from which the document library was accessed, is tied to a specific document type, consequently limiting the document type options. In order to access the full library, click on another chart tab, such as Documents, and click the Add Document link, again. The full list will be available when no specific document type is required for the chart tab.
Current View
When the Add Document Screen user preference set to Current, clicking the Add Document link will open the document library, showing a multi-column list of available documents, similar to the Legacy view. However, in the Current view, users have a Search field with autocomplete, a Most Common documents list, and a full list of available documents, under the All Types section. Again, if the full document list does not load, then the chart tab being used to access the documents library is tied to a specific document type. Select another chart tab in the patient’s chart (e.g., Documents) and click the Add Document link again, to access the full list.
Most Common Options Menu
As noted, the Current Add Document Screen view provides a Most Common section in the view layout. The Options link next to the heading will open a pop-up menu, where the use count can be reset, as needed. This feature tracks and resets the most commonly used document types for the logged-in user, only. This does not affect other users.
Once the Options link is clicked, a pop-up window will display the most commonly used documents. Here, users can select any or all documents to have the count reset to zero. Place a checkmark next to any document(s) needing reset, and simply click the Reset Selected button.
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