File Documents
Covered by this topic
The WebChart solution has a system setting that allows users to browse and upload any local file types into a specific chart. This setting is known as the Generic File Upload setting, and it is enabled by default.
Add a File to a Chart
To begin adding a file to a chart, navigate into the specific chart and click the Add Document link accessible throughout the chart.
Once the document/form library loads, select the File link, to filter the options. This will load an Add Document Properties screen, where users can browse for a file and upload it into the chart.
Once the Add Document Properties screen opens, begin filling in the necessary fields:
Authored By: Given the proper security permission, select for whom this file document is authored by or click the Me button if the logged-in user is the author. The logged-in user uploading a file document into the chart is considered the Creator and will be logged as such in the document properties. Authored By is who authored the specific document being uploaded.
Document Type: Select the document type being uploaded and stored in the patient chart.
Storage Type: This dropdown allows users to specify the storage type of the file being uploaded. If the wrong storage type is selected, the document will not display correctly, and an error may present when the Add Document button is clicked. For example, an email is stored as an Email storage type, or an XML file is a CCD or CCR Document, etc. For help determining and selecting a specific storage type, do not hesitate to contact Helpdesk.
Date of Service: Provide the date of service for the document.
Service Location: This drop-down can be used to choose the service location of the document.
Subject: Use this free-text field to provide a subject for the file document. The subject displays on List View summary pages where documents are displayed and can be searched using the Document Search report.
Encounter: WebChart allows documents to be linked to encounters, as needed. Specifying an encounter ID will link the uploaded file document to the specified encounter. If the document does not need to be linked to an encounter, simply keep the field blank.
- For the Encounter field, a Search button is provided to allow for searching specific encounters to obtain the ID for linking. Most users do not know the encounter ID number, so the search is a convenient option for searching encounter details of the chart in context.
- Click the Search button to open the Select Encounter window. By default, the system will search the last 3 days of encounters to assist with linking. If an encounter to link is found, simply click the Select link next to the specific encounter, and it will place the encounter ID and details into the Encounter field.
- Click the Search Within [#] days link to search for and display encounters occurring in increments further out. If an encounter does not need to be linked, simply leave the encounter field blank.
Link to Orders: Like linking to encounters, file documents can be linked to pending orders, as needed. To see pending orders, use the down arrow key (↓) on the keyboard when the cursor is in the Link to Orders field. Select any of the orders to link the file document to, and once the file is uploaded, the order will automatically be marked as Complete status.
Case: Use this field to link a file document to a case. To see and select any cases/incidents associated with the chart, press the down arrow key (↓) on the keyboard when the cursor is in the Case field.
CC (Physicians): Using this field allows users to attach any relevant clinicians/physicians as being carbon copied, immediately faxing or routing the information to them, depending on the system setup. This feature works with an ActiveX Word control and can be read about in Word Documents - CC Physicians Feature.
File: The Browse/Choose File button allows users to browse to their local hard drive to select the file document for upload.
After the file is selected, click the Add Document button. The page will refresh and display a confirmation message that the document was uploaded successfully, along with visibility to the uploaded document.
Learning Management System
To learn more about File Documents, follow the link below to the Learning Management System course:
WebChart Documentation
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