Editing Encounter Dictations
Log into WebChart and click on the left sidebar menu tab called DICTATION.
You will open to the ALL PENDING tab of the dictation module.
This opens to the summary screen of your assigned and any unassigned dictations.
Click the Search link.
Search by any field method listed (example type in patient’s last name, etc) and select the current status of the dictation you are looking for or choose all.
Click the SEARCH button at the bottom.
A list of matching dictation found (according to the entered search criteria) will display right below the search function.
Click on the underlined Dictation ID number of the Encounter dictation you wish to edit.
This will open and display a list of all individual dictations associated with the encounter.
Click on the underlined Dictation ID number, but this time select the specific Dictation ID of the encounter you wish to edit. Do not click grab.
The dictation player box will open.
Click on the Edit link nest to the encounter Field Name. The encounter Field Name lists the encounter type you have opened.
The transcription text box will open to the right of the dictation player for editing purposes.
You can listen, edit or modify as needed.
Click the DONE button at the bottom of the encounter transcription text box to properly end and close the encounter dictation.
When you are done, a message will appear that says “All Dictations for Encounter (xxx) are Currently in Progress”. Click the underlined CLOSE link to close out the encounter dictation.
This will move the dictation in the appropriate dictation tab.
WebChart Documentation
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