Viewing Accommodations

The Accommodation and/or Lost Time management function provides for the recording and documenting of accommodations (both personal as well as work-related). Users may initiate an encounter exam to document and authorize work accommodations or Lost Time.  Accommodations or Lost Time are also available for viewing throughout the system and its own chart tab outside of an encounter exam.

Security Permission

Security permission Manage Restr and Accom allows a user to manage restrictions and accommodations for patient charts. There are various levels from not being able to view any documented restrictions and/or accommodations on a chart, to being able to delete existing or add new restrictions and/or accommodations on a chart.

Based on your permission, you may or may not have restrictions/accommodations listings visible or you may or may not be able to add or edit existing or new restrictions/accommodations for a chart.

Accommodations Visibility

Current accommodations, that encompass today’s date, are shown in various places when working in the chart.

Restrictions/Lost Time stand alone Chart Tab

Any active current accommodations for a chart are shown on the stand alone chart tab Restrictions/Lost Time found in the Admin parent chart tab.

Side Chart

Any active current accommodations that are specifically linked to a case/incident are also shown on the side chart.  When you open the side chart, open cases/incidents are shown and when you expand it, the linked restrictions & accommodations will be visible there also.

Viewing Active Accommodations in Work Status Portlet

Current active accommodations are also displayed on the Work Status portlet available within the Summary dashboard chart tab.

Viewing Active Accommodations in an Encounter

While working in an encounter, there is a Plan section that you can jump to named Accommodations.  When you jump to that section, it will show you all presenting accommodations in a summary format.

Viewing Inactive Accommodations

Inactive accommodations are accommodations that have passed their end date.

Inactive Accommodations from Restrictions/Lost Time stand alone chart tab

Inactive accommodations can be viewed from the chart tab Restrictions/Lost Time.  In order to view inactive accommodations within the Restrictions/Lost Time chart tab of the patient, simply click the Show Inactive hyperlink.

Once clicking the Show Inactive hyperlink, it will display and incorporate all past inactive accommodations on the chart along with the current active accommodations.


To toggle back to just the current active accommodations listing, toggle back by clicking Hide Inactive.

Inactive Accommodations from the Accommodations Encounter Section

In order to view inactive accommodations within an encounter, simply go to the encounter section Accommodations found in the Plan.  Inactive accommodations are accommodations that have passed their end date and you can view those by clicking the Show Inactive link. It will then list all past inactive accommodations on the chart along with the current active accommodations if there are any.

Accommodations Summary-Work Status

When the Accommodations section is expanded open (from the encounter or the stand alone chart tab), it provides a summary detailed list view of any/all active accommodations and includes inactive accommodations if you have Show Inactive toggled for your viewing. This shows a detailed current (and/or history) of accommodations in a list view & column output.

This lists accommodations, start & end dates of each accommodation, details (comments), and a total of days duration for each accommodation (dependent on start & end dates on the accommodation). The total duration is in days and the count begins with the start date of the accommodation and calculates to display total current days up to today’s current logged in date.

The oldest accommodation (depending on start date) is listed first, followed in start date order with the more recent accommodation at the end of the listing.

Below that detailed list view section is a color coded section. The colors are only used to designate a visual difference between accommodation types. The colors are not customizable and do not represent anything special, besides just a visible method to differentiate accommodation types (current and/or historical depending on your view selection).

This color coded linear timeline gives a summary view in a color coded format, with total days duration from its accommodation start date up to today’s logged in current date. The color coded linear timeline summary is also in order according to start date of the accommodation. The oldest accommodation (whether current or inactive depending on your view) would be listed on the left and the most recent accommodation at the right.

Below that is and edit, delete and add new accommodations section. See other help documentation Adding Accommodations for specific details.

Learning Management System

To learn more about Viewing Restrictions and Accommodations, follow the link below to the Learning Management System course:

WebChart Documentation

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