2018 Improvement Activities
- AHE 1 - Engagement of New Medicaid Patients and Follow-up
- AHE 2 - Leveraging a QCDR to Standardize Processes for Screening
- AHE 3 - Promote Use of Patient-Reported Outcome Tools
- AHE 4 - Leveraging a QCDR for Use of Standard Questionnaires
- AHE 5 - MIPS Eligible Clinician Leadership in Clinical Trials or CBPR
- AHE 6 - Provide Education Opportunities for New Clinicians
- BE 1 - Use of Certified EHR to Capture Patient Reported Outcomes
- BE 2 - Use of QCDR to Support Clinical Decision Making
- BE 3 - Engagement with QIN-QIO to Implement Self-management Training Programs
- BE 4 - Engagement of Patients through Implementation of Improvements in Patient Portal
- BE 5 - Enhancements/Regular Updates to Practice Websites/Tools that Also Include Considerations for Patients with Cognitive Disabilities
- BE 6 - Collection and Follow-up on Patient Experience and Satisfaction Data on Beneficiary Engagement
- BE 7 - Participation in a QCDR, that Promotes Use of Patient Engagement Tools
- BE 8 - Participation in a QCDR, that Promotes Collaborative Learning Network Opportunities that are Interactive
- BE 9 - Use of QCDR Patient Experience Data to Inform and Advance Improvements in Beneficiary Engagement
- BE 10 - Participation in a QCDR, that Promotes Implementation of Patient Self-action Plans.
- BE 11 - Participation in a QCDR, that Promotes Use of Processes and Tools that Engage Patients for Adherence to Treatment Plan
- BE 12 - Use Evidence-based Decision Aids to Support Shared Decision-making
- BE 13 - Regularly Assess the Patient Experience of Care Through Surveys, Advisory Councils and/or Other Mechanisms
- BE 14 - Engage Patients and Families to Guide Improvement in the System of Care
- BE 15 - Engagement of Patients, Family, and Caregivers in Developing a Plan of Care
- BE 16 - Evidenced-based Techniques to Promote Self-management into Usual Care
- BE 17 - Use of Tools to Assist Patient Self-management
- BE 18 - Provide Peer-led Support for Self-management
- BE 19 - Use Group Visits for Common Chronic Conditions (e.g., diabetes)
- BE 20 - Implementation of Condition-specific Chronic Disease Self-management Support Programs
- BE 21 - Improved Practices that Disseminate Appropriate Self-Management Materials
- BE 22 - Improved Practices that Engage Patients Pre-Visit
- BE 23 - Integration of Patient Coaching Practices Between Visits
- BMH 1 - Diabetes Screening
- BMH 2 - Tobacco Use
- BMH 3 - Unhealthy Alcohol Use
- BMH 4 - Depression Screening
- BMH 5 - MDD Prevention and Treatment Interventions
- BMH 6 - Implementation of Co-location PCP and MH Services
- BMH 7 - Implementation of Integrated Patient Centered Behavioral Health Model
- BMH 8 - Electronic Health Record Enhancements for BH Data Capture
- BMH 9 - Unhealthy Alcohol Use for Patients with Co-occurring Conditions of Mental Health and Substance Abuse and Ambulatory Care Patients
- CC 1 - Implementation of Use of Specialist Reports Back to Referring Clinician or Group to Close Referral Loop
- CC 2 - Implementation of Improvements that Contribute to More Timely Communication of Test Results
- CC 3 - Implementation of Additional Activity as a Result of TA for Improving Care Coordination
- CC 4 - TCPI Participation
- CC 5 - CMS Partner in Patients Hospital Engagement Network
- CC 6 - Use of QCDR to Promote Standard Practices, Tools and Processes in Practice for Improvement in Care Coordination
- CC 7 - Regular Training in Care Coordination
- CC 8 - Implementation of Documentation Improvements for Practice/Process Improvements
- CC 9 - Implementation of Practices/Processes for Developing Regular Individual Care Plans
- CC 10 - Care Transition Documentation Practice Improvements
- CC 11 - Care Transition Standard Operational Improvements
- CC 12 - Care Coordination Agreements that Promote Improvements in Patient Tracking Across Settings
- CC 13 - Practice Improvements for Bilateral Exchange of Patient Information
- CC 14 - Practice Improvements that Engage Community Resources to Support Patient Health Goals
- CC 15 - PSH Care Coordination
- CC 16 - Primary Care Physician and Behavioral Health Bilateral Electronic Exchange of Information for Shared Patients
- CC 17 - Patient Navigator Program
- EPA 1 - Provide 24/7 Access to MIPS Eligible Clinicians or Groups Who Have Real-Time Access to Patient's Medical Record
- EPA 2 - Use of Telehealth Services that Expand Practice Access
- EPA 3 - Collection and Use of Patient Experience and Satisfaction Data on Access
- EPA 4 - Additional Improvements in Access as a Result of QIN/QIO TA
- EPA 5 - Participation in User Testing of the Quality Payment Program Website (https://qpp.cms.gov/)
- ERP 1 - Participation on Disaster Medical Assistance Team, Registered for 6 Months
- ERP 2 - Participation in a 60-day or Greater Effort to Support Domestic or International Humanitarian Needs
- PM 1 - Participation in Systematic Anticoagulation Program
- PM 2 - Anticoagulant Management Improvements
- PM 3 - RHC, IHS, or FQHC Quality Improvement Activities
- PM 4 - Glycemic Management Services
- PM 5 - Engagement of Community for Health Status Improvement
- PM 6 - Use of Toolsets or Other Resources to Close Healthcare Disparities Across Communities
- PM 7 - Use of QCDR for Feedback Reports that Incorporate Population Health
- PM 9 - Participation in Population Health Research
- PM 10 - Use of QCDR Data for Quality Improvement such as Comparative Analysis Reports across Patient Populations
- PM 11 - Regular Review Practices in Place on Targeted Patient Population Needs
- PM 12 - Population Empanelment
- PM 13 - Chronic Care and Preventative Care Management for Empaneled Patients
- PM 14 - Implementation of Methodologies for Improvements in Longitudinal Care Management for High Risk Patients
- PM 15 - Implementation of Episodic Care Management Practice Improvements
- PM 16 - Implementation of Medication Management Practice Improvements
- PM 17 - Participation in Population Health Research
- PM 18 - Provide Clinical-Community Linkages
- PM 19 - Glycemic Screening Services
- PM 21 - Advance Care Planning
- PSPA 1 - Participation in an AHRQ-listed Patient Safety Organization
- PSPA 2 - Participation in MOC Part IV
- PSPA 3 - Participate in IHI Training/Forum Event: National Academy of Medicine, AHRQ Team STEPPS or Other Similar Activity
- PSPA 4 - Administration of the AHRQ Survey of Patient Safety Culture
- PSPA 5 - Annual registration in the Prescription Drug Monitoring Program
- PSPA 6 - Consultation of the Prescription Drug Monitoring Program
- PSPA 7 - Use of QCDR Data for Ongoing Practice Assessment and Improvements
- PSPA 8 - Use of Patient Safety Tools
- PSPA 9 - Completion of the AMA STEPS Forward Program
- PSPA 10 - Completion of training and receipt of approved waiver for provision opioid medication-assisted treatments
- PSPA 11 - Participation in CAHPS or Other Supplemental Questionnaire
- PSPA 12 - Participation in Private Payer CPIA
- PSPA 13 - Participation in Joint Commission Evaluation Initiative
- PSPA 14 - Participation in Quality Improvement Initiatives
- PSPA 15 - Implementation of an ASP
- PSPA 16 - Use of Decision Support and Standardized Treatment Protocols
- PSPA 17 - Implementation of Analytic Capabilities to Manage Total Cost of Care for Practice Population
- PSPA 18 - Measurement and Improvement at the Practice and Panel Level
- PSPA 19 - Implementation of Formal Quality Improvement Methods, Practice Changes, or Other Practice Improvement Processes
- PSPA 20 - Leadership Engagement in Regular Guidance and Demonstrated Commitment for Implementing Practice Improvement Changes
- PSPA 21 - Implementation of Fall Screening and Assessment Programs
- PSPA 22 - CDC Training on CDCs Guideline for Prescribing Opioids for Chronic Pain
- PSPA 23 - Completion of CDC Training on Antibiotic Stewardship
- PSPA 24 - Initiate CDC Training on Antibiotic Stewardship
- PSPA 25 - Cost Display for Laboratory and Radiographic Orders
- PSPA 26 - Communication of Unscheduled Visit for Adverse Drug Event and Nature of Event
- PSPA 27 - Invasive Procedure or Surgery Anticoagulation Medication Management
- PSPA 28 - Completion of an Accredited Safety or Quality Improvement Program
- PSPA 29 - Consulting AUC Using Clinical Decision Support when Ordering Advanced
- PSPA 30 - PCI Bleeding Campaign
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