PSPA 6 - Consultation of the Prescription Drug Monitoring Program

Activity Weighting: High

Subcategory Name: Patient Safety and Practice Assessment

Description: Clinicians would attest to reviewing the patients’ history of controlled substance prescription using state prescription drug monitoring program (PDMP) data prior to the issuance of a Controlled Substance Schedule II (CSII) opioid prescription lasting longer than 3 days. For the transition year, clinicians would attest to 60 percent review of applicable patient’s history. For the Quality Payment Program Year 2 and future years, clinicians would attest to 75 percent review of applicable patient’s history performance.

Supporting Documentation

  1. Number of Issuances of CSII Prescription - Total number of issuances of a CSII prescription that lasts longer than 3 days over the same time period as those consulted; and
  2. Documentation of Consulting the PDMP - Total number of patients for which there is evidence of consulting the PDMP prior to issuing an CSII prescription (e.g. copies of patient reports created, with the PHI masked).


2018 Improvement Activities Requirements

2019 Improvement Activities Requirements

2018 MIPS Improvement Activities Fact Sheet

Scores for Improvement Activities for MIPS APMs in the 2018 Performance Period Fact Sheet

WebChart Documentation

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