Fill Reports
The Fill Reports tab is located within the sidemenu tab named Inventory.
The Fill Report is like a transaction report but a report specific to medication fills only (medication fills done in the patient’s dispense chart tab).
When the Fill Report tab is clicked, it shows the search fields at the top, and by default it lists all the Fill transactions below. So the landing page of Fill Reports list and shows any and all fills. To narrow down your report results in that section, you can enter in any search criteria field at the top of this report.
- Report Type: Fill Using Entered Date will report by the filled date that is entered in the patient’s dispense/fill. Fill Using Actual Date will report by the actual date time stamp the fill request was performed.
- Verify: will report by the date the fill was verified if you utilize the verify functionality.
- Dispense: will report by the date the fill was dispensed.
- Report Method: If select View Details report method, then the username/patient name fields appear to key in (if wish) to filter the fill report by specific user and/or patient details. This method (view details) will show your report results by patient / user specific in a list view.
If select Trend you then select to trend by hour, day, week, month, etc and then enter the date range to run the report for. It then gives you a plot graph along with the trending selected.
- Date Range: Can enter a date range of the dates the fill was done.
Click the CREATE REPORT button at the bottom and it will show your report of medications filled below.
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