Financials All Active Deals-Detail Report

The All Active Deals-Detail Report displays a detailed list of all order items used in Deals. Use the Datavis filters to filter by EO, Order Description, Order Code, Order Charge Code, Deal Charge Code, Deal Price, Standard Price, Price Difference, EncID or Layout name.

EO: This column represents the Employer Organization in which this order item has been used.

Order Description: This column represent the Order Description as created/entered directly on the Order item (Orders-List Editor)

Order Code: This column represent the Order Code as created/entered directly on the Order Item (Orders-List Editor)

Order Charge Code: This column represents the Order Billing Code as created/entered directly on the Order Item (Orders-List Editor)

Deal Charge Code: This column represents the Billing Code as entered directly on the Deal. When creating a deal, users have the option to use the default Order Charge Code (as entered directly on the order item, if one was entered) or create a new billing code unique to the EO.

** Deal Price**: This column represents the Price as entered on the fee schedule

Price Difference: This column represents the difference between the Deal Price and stand Price.

EncID: This column represents the Encounter ID of the Deal in which the order item was used.

Layout Name: This column represents the layout associated with the order item in which discrete observation results or data is collected.

Learn more about using Datavis reports, reordering columns and saving perspectives here.

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