Allergy Data Validation Test Script

This document is intended to describe and assist users with the process to validate medication allergies imported from another system. The WebChart system uses the Visit encounter to display the details related to a visit.

Within each chart, the encounter has separate sections that show the allergies, intolerances, and medications on one page.


  • Compile a list of 5-10 different charts containing multiple allergies/intolerances data from the legacy/existing system. Ensure the examples include varied complexity and multiple years of data, to address potential import discrepancies that could arise.
  • Multiple monitors are recommended to assist with comparing legacy data to the data imported to WebChart .

Data Fields

Validate the discrete values imported to WebChart , listed in the table below.

Some charts/records may not have all data elements, and in some circumstances, there may be additional data to validate. Check with the WebChart superuser for details.
FieldDescriptionSample Data
Allergy NameName of allergy to validateVicodin
Alternate NameAlternative name of allergyhydrocodone-acetaminophen
TypeType of allergy
Options include:
  • Medication
  • Other
Allergy or IntoleranceAllergy/Intolerance flag
Options include:
  • Allergy
  • Intolerance
Reaction/ReasonRecords the reaction or response to the allergy/intolerance being documentedRash, Itching
Start DateWhen the allergy/intolerance was first noted10/10/2010
End DateThe date on which the allergy/intolerance was noted to stop
Entered ByInitials of the user entering allergy/intolerance dataBB
Date ModifiedRecords the last date the allergy was modified3/4/2015 8:00

Validation Instructions

  1. Log into the WebChart system.

  2. Navigate to the Quick View , and using the portlet, perform a Chart Search for a record from the list of 8-10 charts.

  • Select the preferred search criteria, such as D.O.B.Name, or EMP # (sometimes referred to as Medical Record Number, or MR#).
  • Type in the appropriate value and click Search, or press enter. (For more information and instructions on searching, see Basic Initial System Information or Detailed Searching in E-Chart.)
  1. Verify the chart. Demographic data (e.g., Name, Status, MR#) is displayed on the Patient Header.

  2. Select Allergies/Medications from the Medical Record chart tab.

  3. Review the same patient in the legacy system and perform a side-by-side comparison. With the allergies and medications displayed, begin comparing the data by toggling between the legacy system and the WebChart system and validate. If access to the legacy system is unavailable, users may use the CSV file presented to WebChart for initial import. (video)

    1. Using the Validation Tracking Template, record exact matches (Pass) and any discrepancies or differences (Fail). (video)
    2. Contact WebChart with the findings.


The Allergy Report and Allergy Report - DV can both be particularly helpful in validating data between systems.

Allergy Report: A columnar list of allergies and/or intolerances, based on specific criteria entered. For data validation efforts, it may be helpful to use this report to compare to the legacy system versus bringing up each chart, individually.

Allergy Report - DV: Lists allergies and/or intolerances with built-in DataVis (DV) tools, such as filtering, column selection, and the ability to save report perspectives. For more information, see the DataVis online help documentation.

To access and utilize these reports:

  1. Navigate to the  Reports  sidemenu.

  2. Select the  Medications/Allergies/Scripts  report list.

  3. Criteria may be added to filter or drill down data.

WebChart Documentation

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