Observation Import
Covered by this topic
This wiki page is to document how observation data needs to be constructed in order to import using WebChart’s Observation data Import Tool.
- File format: Data file shall be formatted in Comma Separated Values (CSV).
- The first row of the file shall contain column header information.
- Each subsequent row shall represent an observation.
Column Definition
The lab result column definition shall contain all columns listed below regardless if there is a value or not.
- R = Required
- O = Optional
Name | Type | Required | Comments |
Patient ID | char 255 | R | Patient identifier, usually an MRN |
Patient Lastname | char 100 | O | Last name of the patient |
Patient Firstname | char 100 | O | First name of the patient |
Patient Class | char 1 | O | I=Inpatient, O=Outpatient |
Observation Datetime | datetime | R | Date the observation took place (YYYYMMDD) |
Observation Code | int 10 | O | Identifier of the specific observation |
Observation Name | char 255 | R | Name of the specific observation |
Observation Order | int 5 | O | Numeric value to indicate the order of the observations |
Observation Result | char 64k | R | Result value of the observation |
Observation Range | char 30 | O | Range for the observation |
Observation Units | char 20 | O | Units that the observation result is in |
Observation Flag | char 10 | O | Flag to determine N=Normal/A=Abnormal |
Observation Status | char 20 | O | Status of the observation, F=final, P=preliminary |
Observer Code | int 10 | O | Code to ID the person doing the observation |
Comment | char 64k | O | Comment on the observation result |
Performing Lab | char 30 | R | Name of lab where results took place |
Encounter Ext ID | char 100 | O | External identifier of encounter this obs is linked to |
Encounter Interface | char 100 | O | Interface value used when that encounter was imported |
Name Validation
If the patient’s first or last name is given, then it will be compared to the name of the patient in the database.
Examples of CSV
Please note that because of the width of a csv file, the lines have been split up for ease of reading here. A real CSV file will need to be contained in one line per record.
1 Observation
This example shows how to import 1 observation for 1 patient.
Patient ID,Patient Lastname,Patient Firstname,Patient Class,Observation Datetime,Observation Code,Observation Name,
U111111,Doe,John,I,20110705,25,Systolic BP,
Observation Order,Observation Result,Observation Range,Observation Units,
Observation Flag,Observation Status,Observer Code,Comment,Performing Lab
,F,,Result looks good,Quest
2 Observations, same patient
This example shows how to import 2 observations for the same patient.
Patient ID,Patient Lastname,Patient Firstname,Patient Class,Observation Datetime,Observation Code,Observation Name,
U111111,Doe,John,I,20110705,25,Systolic BP,
U111111,Doe,John,I,20110705,26,Diastolic BP,
Observation Order,Observation Result,Observation Range,Observation Units,
Observation Flag,Observation Status,Observer Code,Comment,Performing Lab
,F,,Results look good,Quest
,F,,Results look good,Quest
2 Observations for 2 different patients
This example shows how to import 2 lab orders with 2 observation results each.
Patient ID,Patient Lastname,Patient Firstname,Patient Class,Observation Datetime,Observation Code,Observation Name,
U111111,Doe,John,I,20110705,25,Systolic BP,
U111111,Doe,John,I,20110705,26,Diastolic BP,
Observation Order,Observation Result,Observation Range,Observation Units,
Observation Flag,Observation Status,Observer Code,Comment,Performing Lab
,F,,Test results are good,Labcorp
,F,,Test results are good,Labcorp
,F,,Test results are good,Labcorp
,F,,Test results are good,Labcorp
WebChart Documentation
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