MammoTrack Sidemenu
Covered by this topic
Click MammoTrack from left sidebar tab. This opens the specific tabs related to mammograms. It shows all data related to patients who have or have had mammograms tracked in the system and their mammogram result.
When you click this tab, it automatically defaults to open to the top tab called Ready to Send.
Ready to Send Tab
This is the full summary of all mammograms for patients that are set as the Ready to Send status currently in WebChart specific to location. If you wish to view all mammograms that are ready to send, then you need to change the location drop-down to ALL. If you click set next to location, it will keep this location and set it for your location defaults for other programs. Whatever location default you have set will display here. You can always change the location to ALL or a specific location. Most technicians send out their own mammograms from their specific practice location, that is why it defaults by location. However, if you have security rights, you can work on any mammograms from any location.
From this tab you see the listing of all patients who have mammograms ready to send out. When you are ready to send out a mammogram for a patient or bulk of patients, you need to physically send out the mammograms and then change the status of those mailed/sent from this tab. This is where they are tracked.
Sending Out Mammograms and Changing Status
Once you have mailed out the mammogram(s) for a reading you go to the MammoTrack side menu tab and view the Ready to Send top tab.
You can use the search engine at the top to search for a specific mammogram (by last name, service date and/or location) that would be in the Ready to Send status tab.
Each patient’s mammogram is automatically defaulted to checkmark the Mark Sent box. This is a quick way to update multiple mammograms as the sent status. You can un-checkmark any mammogram and it will not update it as sent and it will keep it as ready to send status.
As soon as you have check-marked all the mammograms that you sent out, click the Mark as Sent button at the bottom. This will automatically updates all the mammograms you check-marked from ready to send status to Sent status.
As soon as you click Mark as Sent button, it will display a printable version of the mammograms you selected and updated as sent status. You can print this by going to File, and selecting print. If you X out of the screen you will be taken completely out of WebChart and have to log back in. To avoid this, simply click the left sidebar menu Mammotrack and it will refresh and take you back to the tab you were in.
Edit, Delete and Show History are also individual options you can perform (if you have security rights) from this Ready to Send summary tab. Show History option will only appear if there has ever been an edit or update done to that mammogram. You can show history for that specific mammogram. It will open up the specific history that has been done to that mammogram.
Held Tab
This is the full summary of all mammograms for patients that are set as the Held status currently in WebChart specific to location. If you wish to view all mammograms that are in as held status, then you need to change the location drop-down to ALL. If you click set next to location, it will keep this location and set it for your location defaults for other programs. Whatever location default you have set will display here. You can always change the location to ALL or a specific location. Most technicians work on their own mammograms from their specific practice location, which is why it defaults by location. However, if you have security rights, you can work on any mammograms from any location.
From this tab you see the listing of all patients who have mammograms being held for some reason.
You can only change the mammograms from held status to Ready to Send status. That is the only update option available. If you needed to change a mammogram to any other status, you need security rights to do this and the proper option would be selecting edit.
When you are ready to update (change the status) of a mammogram for a patient, this is where they are changed and tracked.
Changing Status from Held
You can use the search engine at the top to search for a specific mammogram (by last name, service date and/or location) that would be in the Held status tab.
You have to click the update option for each individual mammogram in order to change it from held status to Ready to Send status. The update option is located at the far right options column on each mammogram line.
Once you’ve clicked update you can only change the status to Ready To Send. You also type any comments if needed and click Save. It then moves this mammogram from the held status to the Ready to Send status and tab.
Edit, Delete and Show History are also options you can perform (if you have security rights) from this held summary tab. Show History option will only appear if there has ever been an edit or update done to that mammogram. You can show history for that specific mammogram. It will open up the specific history that has been done to that mammogram.
Already Sent Tab
This is the full summary of all mammograms for patients that are set as the Sent status currently in WebChart specific to location. If you wish to view all mammograms that are in as Sent status, then you need to change the location drop-down to ALL. If you click set next to location, it will keep this location and set it for your location defaults for other programs. Whatever location default you have set will display here. You can always change the location to ALL or a specific location. Most technicians work on their own mammograms from their specific practice location, which is why it defaults by location. However, if you have security rights, you can work on any mammograms from any location.
From this tab you see the listing of all patients who have mammograms that were already sent out.
When you get the radiologist’s reading/findings/result, you can tag the finding/result/reading of the mammogram by searching for it from this Mammotrack tab, or by going to E-Chart and searching for the patient and doing it from the patient’s Mammogram chart tab.
You can only update the mammograms from sent status to a birad (0,1,2,3,4,5 or 6) status. That is the only update option available. If you needed to change a mammogram to any other status, you need security rights to do this and the proper option would be selecting edit.
When you are ready to update (change the status) of a mammogram for a patient, this is where they are changed and tracked.
Changing Status from Already Sent to Birad Score Result
You can use the search engine at the top to search for a specific mammogram (by last name, service date and/or location) that would be in the Already Sent status tab.
You have to click the update option for each individual mammogram in order to change it from sent status to a birad score result. The update option is located at the far right options column on each mammogram line.
Once you’ve clicked update select a birad score result. Depending on the birad score result you enter, a biopsy or follow-up field may appear.
- Patient is the name of the patient
- Technologist: is the name of the technologist who performed the mammogram.
- Radiologist: select the name of the radiologist who read and determined the results of the mammogram.
- Birad: select the birad score of the mammogram.
- Followup Date: select the date that the patient should follow-up in regards to this mammogram.
- Biopsy is the biopsy result. If a biopsy was done in regards to this mammogram, then select Complete. Additional fields to enter in the source and the result (biopsy result) of Benign or Malignant will appear for ‘complete’ biopsies. If there was no biopsy done or it is pending, then None or Pending will appear as choices in the Biopsy field also. If the patient refused a biopsy, that biopsy status is also available.
- Comment shows any comments that were typed in regarding the mammogram. You can add more or edit comments.
- Save/Reset/Cancel: Click Save to add the mammogram into the system for this patient. Click Reset to stay in the update mammogram mode, but it will reset all the fields and drop-downs to the default. Click Cancel to get out of the update mammogram mode.
After you click save, it will show you a message on the screen that the Mammogram has been successfully updated. It then moves this mammogram from the sent status to the specific Birad score status and tab.
Edit, Delete and Show History are also options you can perform (if you have security rights) from this Already Sent summary tab. Show History option will always appear here. You can show history for that specific mammogram. It will open up the specific history that has been done to that mammogram.
Birad & Non-Compliant Tabs
Each specific birad score tab is the full summary of mammograms with that specific birad score currently in WebChart specific to location. If you wish to view all mammograms for that specific birad score, then you need to change the location drop-down to ALL. If you click set next to location, it will keep this location and set it for your location defaults for other programs. Whatever location default you have set will display here. You can always change the location to ALL or a specific location. Most technicians work on their own mammograms from their specific practice location, which is why it defaults by location. However, if you have security rights, you can work on any mammograms from any location.
From each birad score tab you see the listing of all patients who have mammograms that have that corresponding birad score result.
Your only options available from the birad score tabs are edit/delete or show history for a mammogram. You must have security rights to perform the edit and/or delete option. You cannot update a mammogram that already was given a birad score result. If you needed to change a mammogram to any other birad score, you need security rights to do this and the proper option would be selecting edit. Example: a biopsy may have been sent out and the result came back as a birad score of 1 instead of initially being read as a 5.
Follow-up Printed Summary Category
See next section for instructions on how to create and print followup reports. However, this is the summary list of all followup documents (mammogram forms/documents) that were rendered and printed and sent to the patient.
This is used to keep track of what form was sent out and when.
Editing a Birad Score Result or Other Field
If you have to change a mammogram birad score to a different birad score result, you would select the edit option at the far right of in the options column of the specific mammogram. You must have security rights to perform edits.
Depending on the current birad score the mammogram has, a biopsy or follow-up field may appear.
- Patient is the name of the patient
- Technologist is the name of the technologist who performed the mammogram.
- Radiologist is the name of the radiologist who read and determined the results of the mammogram. This will only be present if the mammogram has been read and results entered into Mammotrack.
- Birad is the current status of the mammogram. P = Pending (Ready to Send status) H = Held, and 0,1,2,3,4,5,6 are the radiologist’s findings.
- Letter shows what type of mammogram letter or follow-up letter was sent to the patient after the results were entered.
- Followup Date is the date that the patient should follow-up in regards to this mammogram.
- Biopsy is the biopsy result. If a biopsy was done in regards to this mammogram, then select Complete. Additional fields to enter in the source and the result (biopsy result) of Benign or Malignant will appear for ‘complete’ biopsies. If there was no biopsy done or it is pending, then None or Pending will appear as choices in the Biopsy field also. If the patient refused a biopsy, that biopsy status is also available.
- Service Date is the date the mammogram was performed.
- Service Location is the location where the mammogram was performed.
- Entry Date is the Date that the mammogram was first added/entered into Mammotrack.
- Comment shows any comments that were typed in regarding the mammogram.
- Save/Reset/Cancel: Click Save to add the mammogram into the system for this patient. Click Reset to stay in the update mammogram mode, but it will reset all the fields and drop-downs to the default. Click Cancel to get out of the update mammogram mode.
You can edit any fields even if the birad score result is correct.
You also type any comments if needed and click Save. If you changed (edited) the mammogram’s birad score result then it moves the mammogram to the specific Birad score status and tab you changed it to.
Edit, Delete and Show History are also options you can perform (if you have security rights) from the specific Birad score result summary tabs. Show History option will always appear here. You can show history for that specific mammogram. It will open up to display the specific history that has been done to that mammogram.
Create Follow-up Reports
Any mammogram with a birad score of 1, 2 or 3 in the corresponding Birad tabs will have a link at the top right corner to Create Followup Report. This is a report of all patients with mammograms that are due for a followup and have not had any followup form/letter/reminder printed and mailed to them yet. This is a way to print followup letters/forms, etc in bulk according to due date and birad score. This followup report is based on the location you are set to in the Birad score tab.
Most clients go in (example) every Monday and print a letter or form, etc and mail to the patients who have a followup due date of a specific date in the next month.
When you click the Create Followup Report link, it will open a separate screen.
This screen shows all patient’s Followups ready to be printed for any patient who has a follow-up date set in their mammogram. This is only showing patients that need followups from the location you were in previously set at in the Birad score tab.
You must use the search engine at the top to show the specific followup due date range to end before.
In the search engine, type the date to show follow-ups due before. Then click Search. The Followup Date (Due date) is the date the patient is to return to have another mammogram done.
The search result will show patient’s that have not had any followup forms/letters printed yet for their mammogram followup according to their Birad score.
Use Form column at the far right is what form/letter to select to send to that specific patient regarding their follow-up due. Use the drop-down arrow to select the specific form/letter you want to send for that patient.
You can select Don’t Print as an option. It will then keep this mammogram in the followup letters queue and skip it. When you are done selecting each type of form/letter, then click the Print button at the very bottom of the screen.
As soon as you click Print, it will open to another screen that has all your letters/forms in Alternatiff view and ready to print. You can scroll thru each page/letter/form by using the toolbar at the top. You can print all the letters to your printer by clicking the printer icon in the toolbar.
Once you have looked through the letters/forms and you have printed them on your printer, click the Update Followup as Completed button at the top.
This will update all of these mammograms to the status of Followup Printed summary category at the bottom of the Birad tabs automatically for you (specific to the location you are set at viewing). Meaning, it takes them out of the due followup report and shows that patient’s mammogram in the Followup Printed birad score summary at the bottom of that specific birad tab.
The Followup Printed birad summary category is the summary list of all followup documents (mammogram forms/documents) that were rendered and printed and sent to the patient (specific to location that you are set at viewing).
This is used to keep track of what form was sent out and when.
It will then give you the message at the top that the Followup Letters are Marked Complete.
You must X out of this screen to get back into WebChart or MammoTrack.
Set Preferences
When you are in the Create Followup Report screen, you will see a link to Set Preferences at the top right corner of the screen.
Click Set Preferences and it will open another screen allowing you to set up rules for assigning document types (forms, letters, etc) to mammograms when they print the follow-up letters. This is just a quick way to get your document type choice to show up in the specific birad and/or according to location when you Create Followup Report from the birad tabs.
Any existing preferences you have set up will be displayed above the drop-downs to add another preference. These are user preferences only; this will not affect any other user.
- Example: if you wanted to add a preference for all Birad score 1’s to have a certain form/letter print, then you select Birad 1 from the drop-down. At Service Location you would select all locations. Doc.Type is the name of the document you want to print when a follow-up letter is printed for this patient of the birad score you specified.
Click Add when you have specified your preference. It will highlight it and add it to the above existing preferences. Click Save when you want to save your preferences.
- Example: if you wanted to add a preference for (example) your Dupont location Birad score 3’s to have a certain form print, then you would select Birad 3 from the drop-down. At Service Location you would select your Dupont location. Doc.type is the name of the document you want to print when a follow-up letter is printed for this patient of the birad score you specified.
Click Add when you have specified your preference. It will highlight it and add it to the above existing preferences. Click Save when you want to save your preferences.
If you select Birad ( * ) star that means you are selecting all birad scores to apply that preference to.
When you are done adding your preferences, you must X out of that screen to get back into MammoTrack and create your followup report.
When you get back into Create Followup Report for that birad, if you had any preferences set up then it will reflect those preferences you created by defaulting the dropdowns to the doc.type you selected in that preference.
You can always change the form to use by using the drop-down. The preference is just a quick way to get the drop-down to already be selected at the form you wish to print for these types of birad scores and/or location.
To delete a Mammogram Followup Form preference, simply click the ( - ) button in the options column next to the specific preference you wish to delete. It will place a strike through the preference. Click Save then to save all changes in the preferences screen.
Deleted Tab
This is the full summary of all mammograms for patients that were deleted and are specific to location. If you wish to view all mammograms that were deleted, then you need to change the location drop-down to ALL. If you click set next to location, it will keep this location and set it for your location defaults for other programs. Whatever location default you have set will display here. You can always change the location to ALL or a specific location. Most technicians work on their own mammograms from their specific practice location, which is why it defaults by location. However, if you have security rights, you can work on any mammograms from any location.
The only option (if you have security rights) is to un-delete. When you click un-delete it will show the patient’s name and technologist.
- Current Status: This is where this mammogram will go to after you confirm the un-delete. It will go back to the Ready To Send status tab.
- Current Comment: These are any comments associated with the mammogram. You cannot edit any of these comments.
- Reason: You must type in a reason for why you are un-deleting a mammogram.
Click Undelete to undelete the mammogram, or cancel to exit out.
After you undelete, it will give you the message at the top of the screen that the mammogram was successfully un-deleted. It then moves this mammogram into the Ready to Send status tab (P birad status).
Mammo Reports Tab
When in the MammoTrack left sidebar menu tab, you will see a top tab named Mammo Reports.
This is where you search and print reports based upon the data you entered in the fields and drop-downs of the search engine.
The very first check-box is called Include Test. If this box is check-marked, then the reports you run will include test patients in your system like Olive Oil, Mickey Mouse, Test Test, etc. Most clients will never check-mark this box, but it is there for testing purposes.
View Results As Section
- Test: Checking this box will allow test patients such as Olive Oil to be included in the report.
- List: Displays search results in a list view. (Shows each patient and each column description)
- Technologist Count: Displays search results by the technologist username and the count of how many they have done within your search range. Click View Details in the options column to view the specific list view of each patient and mammogram that technologist has done for that count.
It may also show the results broken down per month depending on your date search range.
- Radiologist Count: Displays search results by the radiologist username and the count of how many they have done within your search range. Click View Details in the options column to view the specific list view of each patient and mammogram that radiologist has done for that count.
See below instructions on how to print a Federal Report for the Radiologist counts.
- Status Count: Shows the search result according to birad score (status) and number of mammograms (count). Click View Details in the options column to view the specific list view of each patient and mammogram for that birad status score.
- Location Count: Shows the search result according to location and number of mammograms (count). Click View Details in the options column to view the birad status view of each mammogram for that specific location. Click View Details again next to a specific birad status score to view the specific patient mammograms for that birad score.
- Service Date Count: Shows the search result according to each specific date and the number of mammograms (count) done on that specific date between the date range you specified. Click View Details in the options column to view the birad status view of each mammogram for that specific service date. Click View Details again next to a specific birad status score to view the specific patient mammograms for that birad score.
Patient Section
Patient & Service Sections
- MR: You can narrow down the search specifically for an MR# (medical record #)
- Last/First: You can narrow down the search specifically for a general last name, or specific patient name, etc.
- Technologist: You can narrow down the search to specifically show results for a particular Technologist.
- Radiologist: You can narrow down the search to specifically show results for a particular Radiologist.
- Date From & Date To: Type in the date range you wish to show results for. If you search for more than a one month range, the search results may break down into month by month view.
- Location: You can narrow down the search to specifically show results for a particular location.
- Search History: If you checkmark this box it will show you your search results that includes all revisions, edits, deletions, etc. Same thing as when you click Show History. When you check-mark Search History, then it also includes all revisions, edits, deletions, etc into this search result you specified. If you keep this un-checkmarked then it will show your search results in the current status.
- Birad Status: You can narrow down the search to specifically show results for a particular birad status or score.
- Biopsy: Can check-mark biopsy selection to narrow search results for.
View Printable: If you click this option in any search result, it will open a screen that you can print by going to File, then selecting Print. After printing it, simply X out of that screen to return back to the search results.
View Federal: When viewing the search result by Radiologist Count, you will also see a link called View Federal. Click this to change the viewing of the counts to the Federal (government) view. This report is the totals and readings/results that the Radiologists did during that date range and for other specified search fields you entered. Every year a report of mammograms is to be reported to the government. This Federal Report allows you to search, view and print this data for the government.
It lists the Radiologist count and birad scores according to location. It provides False Positive counts and also shows the facility percentage per location. Click View Printable to show the Federal report in a printable version.
To print from the view printable screen, go to File and select Print. To get out of the printable version screen, simply X out and return to the MammoTrack screen.
Follow-Up Tab
You can click the top tab called Followup to work on followup reports. This tab displays and separates all follow-ups that need done according to birad scores. This is the same as working in the specific Birad score tab and clicking Create Followup Report. This tab, however, just shows all birad follow-ups on the same screen and you can see more. It is not broken down by location.
This is a report of all patients with mammograms that are due for a followup and have not had any followup form/letter/reminder printed and mailed to them yet. This is a way to print followup letters/forms, etc in bulk according to due date and grouped in birad score. This followup tab shows all results for all locations. It is not broken down by location.
This screen shows all patient’s Followups ready to be printed for any patient who has a follow-up date set in their mammogram. This is only showing patients that need followups from the location you were in previously set at in the Birad score tab.
You must use the search engine at the top to show the specific followup due date range to end before.
In the search engine, type the date to show follow-ups due before. Then click Search. The Followup Date (Due date) is the date the patient is to return to have another mammogram done.
The search result will show patients that have not had any followup forms/letters printed yet for their mammogram followup according to their Birad score.
Use Form column at the far right is what form/letter to select to send to that specific patient regarding their follow-up due. Use the drop-down arrow to select the specific form/letter you want to send for that patient.
You can select Don’t Print as an option. It will then keep this mammogram in the followup letters queue and skip it.
When you are done selecting each type of form/letter, then click the Print button at the very bottom of each birad section. Each birad section in the Followup tab has it’s own print button. It will only print that sections followup Letters.
As soon as you click Print, it will open to another screen that has all your letters/forms in Alternatiff view and ready to print. You can scroll thru each page/letter/form by using the toolbar at the top. You can print all the letters to your printer by clicking the printer icon in the toolbar.
Once you have looked through the letters/forms and you have printed them on your printer, click the Update Followup as Completed button at the top.
This will update all of these mammograms to the status of Followup Printed summary category at the bottom of the Birad tabs automatically for you (specific to the location you are set at viewing). Meaning, it takes them out of the due followup report and shows that patient’s mammogram in the Followup Printed birad score summary at the bottom of that specific birad tab.
The Followup Printed birad summary category is the summary list of all followup documents (mammogram forms/documents) that were rendered and printed and sent to the patient (specific to location that you are set at viewing).
This is used to keep track of what form was sent out and when.
It will then give you the message at the top that the Followup Letters are Marked Complete. You must X out of this screen to get back into WebChart or MammoTrack.
To set preferences in the Followup Tab, please refer to previous instructions regarding Preferences.
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